Thursday, July 27, 2006

What We Hold.

The hardest things to let go of are the things that are out of our hands.


JD said...

i clicked on comments and just realized you created another blog. are you just not blog satisfied??

Your Friend Aaron said...

This one lets me do photos! Wheee!

JD said...

good deal, i'd like to see the streets of modesto, if you are so inclined.

Tara Lamont said...

Thanks for the comment on my "centurion" post. I.F. is actually the team member at the Experiment HOuse Blog that has been "published" in the Whittenburg door - WOW!
I happen to be his devoted wife with a good sense of humor; it's really good that we share the odd sense of what's funny.
Anyhow, I loved this statement - as I often find myself trying to carry around burdens that aren't mine in the first place...